It's Cool to be Kind in Year 6!

In PSHE this week, the Year 6 children have been learning about why it is so important to be kind, especially when online.

"You cannot take back what you say, so you have to be careful to make sure it doesn't hurt somebody's feelings." Mikhailia

"Jesus said that you should love your neighbour just as you love yourself." Tallulah

They looked at different scenarios and decided when people were shown to be bystanders and when they were shown to be upstanders.

"A bystander is a witness to what's going on, but doesn't really do anything about it." Dash

"An upstander is a witness to what's going on, but is someone who tries to positively intervene" Darcie

Year 6 were able to identify a pattern: an upstander is resourceful (using different tools to positively intervene such as blocking, complimenting or reporting to a trusted adult), and also demonstrates reciprocity (complimenting the target and asking if they are okay).


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