Rockstar Day 2022!

Children across the school had such a wonderful time last Friday, dazzling us all with their rock star outfits!

It was so wonderful to see the children so enthusiastic about improving their times table knowledge.

Year groups battled it out throughout the day to earn their place as the speediest and most accurate rock stars! Congratulations to years 2,3 and 6 who won their battles!

A special congratulations to the following children, who contributed the most points to their class:

Year 1 - James, Florence and Alexis

Year 2 - Emil, Harry and Jivel

Year 3 - Johann, Jisvia and Noel

Year 4 - Ariana, Angelin and Ben

Year 5 - Sanjay, Roseanna and Jophiel

Year 6 - Jonathan, Ava R and Joshua

Keep rocking, St Pius! 


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