Reception's Hanukkah Latkes
Reception have been learning about Judaism in both our RE lessons and part of our wider learning about celebrations. The children have enjoyed exploring the festival of Hanukkah this week and we enjoyed reading the story of Hanukkah Bear. In the story a bear eats all of the Hanukkah Latkes and there are none left for the visiting Rabbi. In the back of the book we found a recipe for Latkes which we decided we wanted to try.
The children did fantastically well using a peeler and grater, developing their fine motor skills. They enjoyed following a recipe with Mrs Wiseman's support and were very responsible thinking about food hygiene.
We cooked one Latke in the classroom so the children could see how they are cooked and how the ingredients change while being heated. The classroom smelled so yummy!
'Mmm, these are tasty.' - William
'I can taste the onion.' - Aisling
'I don't eat onion but they taste yummy in a Latkes.' -Reuben
We have placed the recipe here if you would like to make some at home:
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