An Amazing Author Visit for Years 4, 5 & 6!

The children were very fortunate on Thursday to be visited by the wonderful children's author, C.S. Clifford. As well as sharing his stories with the children, he led engaging workshops in the classroom to support children with the editing process in writing. 

Years 4, 5 and 6 were inspired to be authors themselves and write creatively; it was wonderful to see the children's imaginations ignited throughout the day. 

Here is what some of our pupils thought of the workshop: 

"Steve was very funny and it was nice to write about whatever we wanted." - Brooke, Year 6

"The stories he shared were really funny!" - Daniel, Year 5

"I liked when Steve came to our class and when we played the game about making mermaid names and nicknames." - Amelia T, Year 6

"I liked when we edited our work; it was fun to choose new words to replace the sticky words." - Ira, Year 6

We are so impressed with the writing that the children produced - we definitely have some budding authors at St Pius X! 

The children represented the school brilliantly and we could not be prouder of the exemplary behaviour that they demonstrated in the different sessions.

We are so glad that the day was such a success! You can find out more about C.S. Clifford's brilliant books here


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