Investigating the Heart in Year 6!
As part of Year 6's topic, Being Human, the children have been learning all about the different parts of the heart and how it pumps blood around the body. We have also been exploring ways to keep the heart healthy and the effect exercise can have on the circulatory system.
This week, the children conducted their own investigation to answer the following research question: How does exercise affect heart rate? As the enquiry they were conducting was a comparative and fair test, they thought carefully about the independent variable they would change (whether they were resting or exercising) and how they would measure the dependent variable (their pulse). They also ensured that it was a fair test by keeping certain control variables the same. Furthermore, they made sure to repeat their experiment to increase the reliability of their results.
Their next job will be to present their data in a graph and discuss the conclusions they have drawn. As always, excellent work Year 6!
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