Year 4's Trip to Chatham Green Wilderness Foundation
Worms? Woodlice? Fallow deer? Check!
Year 4 had a great (albeit wet) time exploring nature as the Exit Point (celebration) of our IPC topic: Land, Sea and Sky.
Activities included a nature walk, spotting badger sets and wild fallow deer, minibeast hunting, pond dipping and getting very muddy!
You can view the Badger Cam here: Badger Cam
We also saw the huge solar panels and learnt that they move according to the sunlight - did you know that they turn upright when it snows so that the snow falls off, and they lay flat to avoid the wind?
We shared and consolidated our knowledge and understanding of habitats, classifying invertebrates and saw the water cycle in action (precipitation!).
What a great day out for the kids -despite the miserable weather :)