Year 6 Visit Pizza Express!

Year 6 had such a fun day out today as they visited Pizza Express and Central Park. 

The children firstly learnt all about the origins of pizza and the different ingredients used. Then, they started to make their own margherita pizzas.

First, they had to spread on the passata sauce, then they added mozzarella cheese and finally they sprinkled on some oregano for some added flavour. 

It was then time for them to bake in the oven - they only took 3 minutes each to cook, so it didn't take long at all!

"It was very fun learning about the history of pizza and where all the ingredients come from. It was even more fun eating it!" Lilyanne

After our great experience at Pizza Express, we walked to Central Park, enjoyed our delicious pizzas and had some fun playing in the park. It was definitely a well-deserved treat for all of the children after last week!


"It was very adventurous in the park - I loved climbing the climbing frame. It was a good experience to be there!" Jason



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