Year 2 Exciting English!

 Year 2 have been discussing genres of writing in preparation for starting a new English topic. After recalling prior learning about different types of books and writing, we agreed on a definition for 'Fiction' and 'Non-Fiction.'

Then in groups their task was to share, discuss and group books into 'fiction' and 'non-fiction.' This involved reciprocity and reflectiveness as well as working collaboratively and taking turns. It was great to hear what Year 2 have already learnt - they could remember that 'fiction' meant a story or something that wasn't real whereas 'non-fiction' meant something that was true or factual.

To finish, we sorted the books as a class:

Henry said 'If we don't know which one it goes in, we could put it in the middle!'

Olive said 'If it's fiction it means a story and if it's non-fiction it means it's true.'

Why not see which fiction and non-fiction books you have at home? 

Non-fiction books/writing includes: newspapers, recipe books, instructions, fact-files...etc!


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