Black History Month - Art in Year 2

 Year 2 - Black History Month - 16th October 2023 ART & HISTORY

We used Lubaina Himid’s famous ‘Naming the Money’ installation as inspiration for our own class piece of art. We learnt about the artist, who was born in Zanzibar and inspired by her mother's work as a textile designer.

Her artwork is usually bright and colourful. We discussed our opinions and noticed that this particular piece of art seemed to 'come alive' with the colours and drums.

Soriyah said it was a 'noisy' picture and James noticed the wooden boards at their feet. This was important because we realised this was not a flat picture, but in fact a large, life-size art installation!

After experimenting with primary and secondary colours, we created our own version...

NC Art Objectives:

  • Be able to create an original artwork to serve a given purpose using given media

  • To use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination

  • Know that there are different types of visual art

  • Understand that artists get inspiration from different places

  • Be able to comment on works of art


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