Mental Health Day - Year 2

 On Tuesday 10th October, 'Mental Health' was a priority for many children across many schools. Our assembly reminded us of the importance of talking about our feelings instead of bottling things up.

We then had a relaxing Mindful Movement session in the hall. Miss Lowrey and Mrs Crabb led the relaxation session using calm music as we stretched our bodies and focused on our breathing. 

We also started our 'Worry Jar' in class. Sometimes just writing our worries down and letting them go is a good way of releasing feelings of sadness and anxiety. We know that the Zones Of Regulation help us to identify our feelings and regulate them. Our afternoon Brain Breaks are also a chance to move our bodies or relax whilst reading, drawing or colouring. It is important to keep our minds healthy as well as our bodies!

We all wore yellow clothing - yellow is a 'feel-good' colour!


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