Musical exploration in Reception
Over the year in our Music lessons, we have had the opportunity to listen to a wide range of music and discuss our feelings and responses to it. In our last lesson, we listened to 'William Tell Overture by Rossini'.
The children were able to identify how the music made them feel and make links to where they had heard it before.
'I've heard this music before - it's on my TV.' - Logan
'I enjoyed listening to the music, it makes me happy.' - Jorel
'It was such a brilliant piece of music, I enjoyed the beat.' - Qmari
Recently we have been exploring instruments and the sounds they make. The children enjoyed listening to short clips of music and identifying if it was the instrument in the picture or not. We also enjoy playing with our instruments in our provision - especially outside!
As young composers, the online tools to create music really support us. The children enjoy dragging beats and notes into the musical stave and then listening back to what we have created. The children enjoy playing with this in continuous provision.
They created their own class song this way and were able to clap along to the beat! We were so proud!
'I love making our own music.' -Eva
'Making music is fun.' - David
'It was tricky to clap to the beat but we did it!.' - Nancy
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