Pirate fun in Reception

This week we have been enjoying our theme of Pirates. The children have read stories about Pirates and enjoyed our small world play. 

We have managed to link this theme to a range of areas of our curriculum. Here are some of the wonderful activities we have been doing:

Treasure Maps: 

The children have made some fantastic treasure maps. This involved many steps - tea staining their paper, drawing their map (drawing on their previous learning linked to maps) and using their writing skills to label the map and write a clue for the treasure! They're fantastic! 

Pirate Stories: 

The children have written their first stories! We used ideas from the books we have read and come up with our own story ideas. The children did well at linking ideas together and coming up with a 3 parts story! They demonstrated resilience with this task and we are so proud of how far the children have come with their writing this year! 

Kiara's Pirate Story 

Jorel's Pirate Story

Catherine's Pirate Story 

Pirate Sea Shanty 
As part of our music lessons we have been learning a Pirate Sea Shanty. The children have been moving in time to the music and singing along with the words! They have shown their learning power of Reciprocity as they worked together to sing the song. 

The children have also completed some subtractions using pirate treasure, created pirate telescopes in the construction area. We also made up our own Pirate nicknames and learned some key phrases! 
Ahoy there, me hearties! 


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