Year 1 RE - Universal Church - Art Activity!

 Last week, Year One made some original artwork in our unit 'Universal Church - World'. 

We first went outside and participated in a reflective activity. We closed our eyes and focused on what we could hear. Then, we opened our eyes and focused on what we could see. Finally, we looked around at all of the people we share the space with. We discussed how we are a neighbour to everyone, and that there is only one sun, one sky, and one world.

We read the story of Kind David and then read a psalm wrote by him. We wrote this psalm on different sheets of blue paper and then designed a sky scene, using different coloured paper to make the sky and the clouds. Students were encouraged to think about who they could draw as neighbours on their picture.

"We should always be nice to everyone, no matter where they're from" - My-An

"This means that our neighbours can live in India too!" - Rapha

"We share the same sky as Canada!" - Reuben

We then held up our pictures and re-read the psalm as a class!

"People can look different, or live in different places, but they're still our neighbours!" - Norah


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