Brainwave in Year 1!

For our Entry Point, students engaged in different games and experiments to test how the brain works! We looked at how practising a task over and over again can help build connections in our brain through a fun storytelling picture game! We discussed how the brain and our emotions are connected through the ‘Zones of Regulation’. Then, students completed some experiments to see how their brain can engage their senses. Students smelled hidden items and had to guess what they were (smell), had to reach into a bag and guess what the item was by just touching it (touch), wrote down on whiteboards what they could hear when they closed their eyes (hear), and wrote down what they could see in our play area (sight). Then, students played ‘scientist’ and engaged in imaginative play with one another!

"Our brains help us to do so many things, even riding a bike!" - Mia

"Practice makes perfect! When we learn new things, we can practise them and get better at them!" - Eva


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