Celebrating the Feast Day of Saint Pius X!

The whole school rejoiced in the celebration of the feast day of Saint Pius X today. We started the day with a beautiful mass led by Father Paul where the children learnt about the importance of the head of the church, like Saint Pius X, and about the first ever pope: Saint Peter. 

"I found it really interesting that Peter's name was Simon before, but it was changed to Peter because he was the 'rock'  of the church. I didn't know that Petros meant rock!" Kachi, Year 5

It was brilliant to see the children so reflective in prayer and praising God enthusiastically with their wonderful singing!

The celebrations did not stop there. The children all shared some delicious cupcakes for the special occasion - a tasty treat for a Tuesday!

It has been a great day and a chance for everyone to learn a bit more about Saint Pius X.


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