Fire Fighters visit Reception and Year One!

We were so excited that the fire service came to visit Reception and Year One today.

Neil, the fire fighter, spoke to us about the emergency services and that they are there to help us.
He gave us detail about all the different things the fire service do such as moving large items, helping animals, helping at crashes and of course putting out fires. We linked their jobs to our school value of service. The children learned how we can take our school values into our wider lives and even in to our future jobs. 

He taught us what to do if we discover a fire! 

We focused on the 3 'OUTS'

- Get out! 

- Stay out! 

- Get the fire service out!

The children learned that a fire fighter has to train for 16 weeks in order to do their job.

Neil asked how many fire fighters the children thought were on a fire engine.

“I think 8” Denzel

We learnt that there are 6.

The children were given the opportunity to try on his jacket and or hat.

“The jacket is heavy “ Thea

Unfortunately, all the fire engines were needed for emergencies this morning but we were very lucky to be shown the uniform and even got to try it on.

We think they did a wonderful job and all thanked the fire fighter at the end.


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