Mikey Maths visits Reception!

 Last week, Reception were working on the counting principles in maths.

The children had to teach our maths puppet - Mikey Maths - how to count some of his toys. He kept making errors such as missing numbers in the number string, counting some objects twice, not stopping at the final number.

The children came up with these rules for Mikey Maths:
- Count one object at a time and move it to a new space if you can.
- Use one number for one object.
-The last number you use is the total amount he has.

We have then been practising using these counting principles by ourselves by counting our own cubes. We have also had a range of objects out in our continuous provision for the children to count.

The children had to show their learning power of resourcefulness, choosing the right objects from their maths resources to count. They also showed resilience, continuing to try to count the objects successfully! 

Brilliant counting skills Reception! 


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