Sensational Senses - Year 2

As we continue to learn about our amazing bodies in IPC, we have been exploring our 5 senses and using our Science enquiry and knowledge skills. 

We walked around the school grounds and recorded what we could see, hear, feel, smell and taste (well, we thought about our lunch!). It was interesting to compare what others had recorded. Some of us were lucky enough to spot a squirrel and a cat on the field. We used adjectives to describe the things that we could feel - smooth, bumpy, scratchy. We spotted some rosemary growing along the path so we had a good smell of that too!

Following on from this, we made connections to our internal body parts. For example, we have already learnt about the brain in 'Brainwave,' so we knew that the brain sends and receives signals. Our eyes are connected to our brain by our 'optic nerve.' We used mirrors to see what colour our eyes were, and noticed our pupils getting bigger and smaller depending on how bright the classroom was!

We also made mathematical links, making a bar chart to show the different eye colours in our class... brown was the most common eye colour!


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