Kindness Week - Year One
This week at school we celebrated kindness week! We first read Mark 12:38-44 as a class. We discussed how in this gospel, the rich people gave a lot of money, but it was only a fraction of what they owned. The widow on the other hand, gave almost nothing, but it was all she had in the world. We discussed how the rich people were giving generously and looking around to make sure people noticed. This posed the question "should you only be kind if you know you are going to get rewarded or praised?".
"You should do kind things because it is the right thing to do" - Isla
"You should always be kind to others, even if no one is watching" - Ikemba
"You should follow your heart and lead with kindness, just like Jesus does" - David
"You shouldn't be kind just to get house points. You should do kind things because that is the right thing to do" - Nancy
"Kindness is one of our school values. We should be kind everyday." - Jorel
This led into a class discussion about doing kind things for other people without feeling the need to tell someone afterwards. The students decided it would be a good idea to reward other students at lunchtime if they caught them doing something kind without being prompted to do so by an adult. We discussed how we are not always rewarded for doing kind things, however, it is nice for acts of kindness to be noticed sometimes!
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