Making Cars to Explore Our Local Community - Year One

 After learning about jobs in our local community and making a map of our local area, students designed cars that they could 'drive' around our local community during imaginative play! Students had the choice of using tape or butterfly pins to make the wheels on their cars. When their cars were complete, we had a class discussion on which material (tape or butterfly pins) made the most effective car. Students compared their cars and concluded that butterfly pins were the most effective, as the wheels could actually move!

"My car is driving me to school!" - Nicole

"My car is driving me to the library!" - Catherine

"My car is driving me to the park!" - Arsha

"My car is driving me to soft play! I am meeting Uriah and Ava-Grace there" - Isla

"I think I am going to use butterfly pins to make the wheels for my car. I want my wheels to spin like a real car" - Logan

"I am going to use tape for my wheels. They won't move, but I can use my imagination!" - Jorel


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