Special books - Year 2 RE

 As part of our current topic 'Books,' Year 2 learnt about special and important books that are used by the parish family.

The have been learning about the Gospels. This led to our class liturgy which focused on Jesus' miracle at the Wedding in Cana, taken from John. 

Today they had a chance to see some other important books such as: Lectionary, Missal and Book of Gospels. They discussed how they were used and who used them. Then they matched the books to their description. They also related this to their own experiences, for example, responding and participating during school Mass.

The most interesting part was their discussion that followed. They were tasked with ordering the books from most important to least. Year 2 were fantastic at justifying their choices!

Melvin: The children's Bible is very important because it is simplified for children to understand, so that they can learn. about God.

Ajooni: I think the Lectionary is the most important because the leader uses it during Mass.

Mila: The Holy Bible is the most important because it tells us all about Jesus. All the other books are made using the Bible.


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