Year 1 - Place Value (within 20)

 This week in Year One, we have started our place value topic (within 20). Students explored different ways of making numbers up to 16 this week with different activities and games. 

First, in centres, students used a range of manipulatives to explore numbers 0-16. They discovered that if they are using a ten frame and the number is larger than 10, they will need another 10 frame! Students were introduced to the phrase __ tens and __ ones. As an extension, some students were asked to write their number on a whiteboard (e.g., 13 = thirteen).

"I know 13 has 1 ten and 3 ones" - Eva

"9 plus 2 equals 11" - Ava-Grace

"When a ten frame is full, you know that it equals ten" - Arsha

"17 has 1 ten and 7 ones" - Leona

"11 has 1 ten and 1 one" - Alfie

Then, students played a matching game! Students were given either a numeral, written number, a number represented on a numicon, or a number represented using ten frames. Students had to roam around the room and find their partner(s). Students were really engaged during this game and asked to take the materials outside to play it during break time!

Great work Year One!


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