Year One - Special People

 This week in our Religious Education unit 'Special People', students have been learning about why Jesus is the most special person in the parish family. 

We read Luke 2:41-52 'The Boy Jesus in the Temple' as a class. We discussed what made Jesus different than any other ordinary boy and what makes him special. Then, students used popsicle sticks with Jesus, Joseph, Mary and the teachers on them to role play the story and participated in a freeze frame. When students heard the word 'freeze' they were to pause where they were in their re-tell of the story, and if tapped on the head, they needed to tell everyone what their person was doing/feeling at that part in the story.

"Mary is looking for Jesus. She is feeling worried" - Catherine

"Joseph is working with Jesus as a carpenter" - Gianni

"Jesus is talking with the teachers at the Temple" - Alfie

"Mary, Joseph, and Jesus are travelling to the Temple. It's taking them a very long time and they are very tired" - Qmari

What makes Jesus special in this story?

"This story shows that Jesus is very smart because he is teaching the teachers at the Temple. He was only 12 years old in this story!" - Jorel

"Jesus wasn't worried or scared that his parents went home without him. I would be scared and crying." - Benjamin

"Jesus was the only boy who stayed with the teachers to learn with them." - Gershlene

Continuous Provision

For our continuous provision, students had the opportunity to make a special person of their choosing. They also used lego and blocks to build the inside of a church and enjoyed making letters to mail to a special person in their life!

"This is Joseph. He was feeling worried when Jesus was missing" - Logan

"Miss. Flanagan, we made you this bouquet because you are our special person. Thank you for teaching us!" - Eva and Uriah

"This is Mary. She is special because she is Jesus' mum" - Ivy

"I made pews for the church. This is where people sit when they come to church on Sundays." - Gianni

"I made an altar for the church. I put a cross and a chalice on the altar." - Naomi

"I made a cross for the church. I will put it on the altar." - Arsha

"I remembered to put an aisle for the parish family to use when they are walking up to the priest to take communion." - Jorel

"I am writing a letter to my dad. He is special because he takes care of me and loves me." - David

"I am writing a letter to my mum. She cooks me food and reads to me." - Ikemba


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