Showing gratitude - Year 2 RE

We have been discussing what we are grateful for, why and how we show our appreciation.

Faith In Action - we have started to fill our 'Gratitude Jar' in class. Whenever we are thankful for someone or something we can add a cube to the jar!

Ajooni - I'm thankful for being alive!

Sable - I'm grateful for my family!

Analysing - we thought about the consequences of saying (or not saying) thank you! 

Olivia - Someone might feel sad or upset if you don't say thank you.

Norah - Saying thank you is polite and good manners. They are the magic words. 

International - we learnt different ways to say Thank You in different languages. Mrs Armstrong helped us to pronounce 'Thank You' in Irish - Go raibh maith agat!

Cassius - I know that Danke means thank you in German.

Faith In Action/ Creating - we made thank you cards for someone either at school or home. 

This reflective time leads to our learning about the Eucharist and Jesus showing thanks at the Last Supper.


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