The Essex Local Offer February Newsletter

 The Essex Local Offer Roadshows are back for the spring term!  

There will be four roadshows held across the county in March. 


This is a chance for parents and carers to come along and ask any questions about special educational needs and disabilities. There will also be workshops for parents and carers to attend.  During the afternoon there will be a specific focus on support in the early years. 


For more information about the roadshows including where they are, who will be there and what to expect visit Essex Local Offer Roadshows 

What's on to support Autism in Essex?  

Are you confused about what is available to support autistic children, young people, and their families across Essex? 


The Autism Strategy Team at Essex County Council have put together a new Essex Autism Support Offer document. It outlines the different services, resources and projects that are available with details of who can access them, and how to do so.  

Spotlight on the Local Offer

Spotlight on the Local Offer: Preparing your child for starting secondary school

The Essex Local Offer website is continuously being updated and improved. You can now find updated information on transition to secondary school. 


These pages provide a timeline of actions around applying for a school place.  There are also some top tips around preparing your child for year 7. 


To find out more visit the How to support your child starting secondary school page on The Essex Local Offer    


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