Year 1 - Racing Cars in IPC!

 In our IPC unit 'The Magic Toymaker', students participated in a fun and engaging activity to make predictions and test their theories!

According to the toymaker, when the toys come alive at night, the toy cars hold races around the workshop to see who is best! They toymaker tasked the students with determining what surface (wood, felt, sandpaper, or carpet) would be the best for making the cars travel the longest distance. 

The class was divided into groups where they chose a car and came up with a team name. Then, they made predictions on which car would travel the furthest over which surface! We discussed ways we could make the competition fair for everyone, and decided that the same person would let the car go from a starting point, and we would measure using markers that were the same size!

The students determined that wood and felt were the best materials for this competition as their cars traveled the furthest on them!

"Wood was the best material because it was smooth and made the car travel quicker and longer" - Alfie

"The carpet felt rough. It wasn't smooth so the cars traveled slower and not as far" - Leona

This activity incorporated our school values of fairness and kindness. Students used their co-operation and team building skills to work together in choosing a car and a team name! Students made sure that everyone had a turn at racing a car, and cheered their team members on as they competed!


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