Reading Cafe 2025

We welcome any opportunity to invite parents into school to join us in our learning! For Book Week this week we loved that so many of you could join us for our reading cafes. 

During our assembly at the beginning of the week, we heard some tips from authors and illustrators about how to get into reading and enjoy it as a hobby. Lots of them spoke about ensuring you were comfortable and mentioned having a drink and some biscuits to help you relax into the book. So, this is exactly what we did during our cafes. 

It was lovely to see families joining together and taking time out of their day to read together. To just stop and enjoy a book! 

I could hear lots of conversations about books and many children were making recommendations to their friends about books they could read. 

Those who weren't able to join us for the reading cafe didn't miss out as they had biscuits in class and completed some fun reading activities!


Thank you for your continued support! 


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