‘All about me’ in Reception

Reception now have a full class and we are so happy to welcome all our new pupils to St Pius X! This term our topic learning is on ‘All about me’. The children will be exploring their bodies, emotions, families and healthy choices. 

We have started by creating some wonderful self portraits. These have been done in front of a mirror and the children have taken great care to make observations about their own physical features. They have worked with an adult to select the right colours and brushes to create their paintings. This is a great introduction to our learning power of resourcefulness. We think they are fabulous and show that the children have taken great care to make their portraits look just like them! 

We have also had our very first ‘lesson’ all together. During our carpet times we are building our listening and communication skills. The children enjoyed looking at photos of different families and talking about how they are the same and different. The children made some wonderful observations about their own family life, linking their learning to themselves. 

“They love each other, they are hugging and smiling.” Olive

“ I’ve got a brother and a sister.” Arthur

“I have two older brothers. ” Noah

“There are loads of people in that family and not many in that one.” Thea

Over the next few weeks we will be thinking about how to look after our bodies and thinking about people who are special to us. Ask us how are learning is going. 

Well done Reception!


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