Year 6 IPC Brainwave

To celebrate the end of our topic, Year 6 created personalised ‘Zones of Regulation’ toolkits using Google Docs. We applied everything we have learned about how the brain works to help us think about how we can move between different zones. In addition, we learnt new computing skills to make our toolkits. 

Quote: “It has been really helpful to think about how I can use the Zones of Regulation to help me focus during lessons.”

Click here for more information.

The Zones of Regulation Overview

  1. Blue Zone (Low Energy/Slow)

    • Feelings: Tired, sad, bored, sick

    • State: Low energy, lacking motivation or focus

  2. Green Zone (Optimal Focus/Calm)

    • Feelings: Calm, happy, focused, ready to learn

    • State: Ideal for learning and studying

  3. Yellow Zone (Heightened State/Alert)

    • Feelings: Frustrated, worried, silly, excited

    • State: A little off balance, but still in control

  4. Red Zone (Out of Control)

    • Feelings: Angry, out of control, panicked, extremely upset

    • State: Intense emotions that make it hard to focus or think clearly


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