Today’s visitors - the dentist 🦷
Today in Reception we have been very lucky to have some visitors to talk about our teeth and how to keep them healthy. Dental nurses Ella and Clarissa spoke to the class.
We learned that we need our teeth to eat, talk and smile and we have 20 teeth 🦷
The main message is that we should be brushing our teeth twice a day for 2 minutes and also sweet treats are for after your meals and not in between them.
They explained the process at the dentist and what the dentist and dental nurses do. There’s no need to be afraid, they are very friendly!
The class then had a chance to brush the big teeth and everyone got a sticker! The children enjoyed getting involved, and answering the questions.
Ella and Clarissa will be returning next Monday to have a look at the children’s teeth (with parents permission) and will visit the school a number of occasions to teach more to the children and check on their dental health.
This forms part of the children PSHE learning about their health and looking after themselves.
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