
Showing posts from March, 2025

Year 5 Class Mass

This morning, Year 5 enjoyed our class mass with Father Paul.  The service focused around Lent and getting ready for Easter by preparing to repent and ask God for forgiveness.  The children were readers and led prayers for the service with some children becoming the alter servers. It was fantastic to see them using our learning power of reflectiveness in the service.  'The class mass makes it feel more special.' - Harper  Thank you to those parents who joined us for the Mass, it is a joy to share with you in this way. 

Litter Picking - Year 2 IPC Exit Point

Year 2 have been very excited to serve the local community by participating in a local litter pick! Our school's sustainability action plan is linked to looking after our local community and environment. This is a great way for the children to actively contribute in a meaningful and memorable way! Our IPC topic 'Live and Let Live' has been focused on habitats, animals, plants and the environment, so this is the perfect way to celebrate the end of the topic!

World Book Day Costumes!

 We were very impressed with the costumes this year!  Year 5 Year 6 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Reception Assembly  Staff Staff A wonderful effort was made by all and we were particularly impressed with the home made costumes! Well done everyone! 

Reading Cafe 2025

We welcome any opportunity to invite parents into school to join us in our learning! For Book Week this week we loved that so many of you could join us for our reading cafes.  During our assembly at the beginning of the week, we heard some tips from authors and illustrators about how to get into reading and enjoy it as a hobby. Lots of them spoke about ensuring you were comfortable and mentioned having a drink and some biscuits to help you relax into the book. So, this is exactly what we did during our cafes.  It was lovely to see families joining together and taking time out of their day to read together. To just stop and enjoy a book!  I could hear lots of conversations about books and many children were making recommendations to their friends about books they could read.  Those who weren't able to join us for the reading cafe didn't miss out as they had biscuits in class and completed some fun reading activities!    Thank you for your continued support!...

School Transition Road shows

  Please find attached a flyer about transition roadshows that are happening for parents of children starting school in September 2025.   It is not school specific so you can attend any of the sessions and there will be professionals from a range of services to talk to there around issues related to school readiness.


As part of Book week the whole school, adults included, stopped our usual timetable to spend some time reading for pleasure.  The children were able to bring in anything they wanted to read for this time including magazines, cook books, novels and so on. The adults from around the school also brought in something to read!  We all enjoyed taking some time out of our busy days to take enjoyment from reading and it was great to focus on reading purely for fun!  We are looking forward to seeing everyone's costumes tomorrow! 

Year 2 - Public Speaking

As part of Book Week, children are focusing on spoken language and oracy skills , in particular 'public speaking.' Following The Mighty Oak Public Speaking Program, Year 2 have started to learn how to use skills such as eye contact, gestures, voice and speaking space to effectively recite a poem in front of an audience. They also practised their reciprocity skills by providing feedback to their partner. Cassius: You need to use expression in your voice. Nella: You need to look at the audience. Brian: Use your body like your hands to make actions. Emily: Stand tall like an oak tree!

Plant reproduction in Year 5

Our IPC topic of 'Existing, extinct and endangered' has been fascinating for our Year 5 pupils. The children have been learning about how plants reproduce!  We learned that some plants need another plant to reproduce and that other plants reproduce by themselves making genetical clones in new plants.  Mrs Cosgrove brought in one of her very impressive spider plants which demonstrated this perfectly. The class then had the opportunity to take cuttings from the spider plant, and to attempt to grow their own plant from their cuttings.  'It was really fun as we learned how asexual reproduction happens in plants.' - Vanishka  'I really enjoyed experimenting to see if we can make our own little plant using the big plant.' - Ivy  'I think the roots will grow and then we can put it in soil.' - Valentino  We carefully looked at where to take the cuttings and then placed the cut plant in water. We will then move them to soil once the roots begin to show.  This r...

Year 1 - Shrove Tuesday!

Year One students learned about Shrove Tuesday and the meaning behind it this week in a fun and practical lesson!  We learned that Shrove Tuesday is a special day for Catholics and is also known as "Pancake Day". It comes just before Ash Wednesday, which is the start of Lent, a time when Catholics prepare for Easter by praying, fasting, giving things up, and being extra kind to others. Shrove Tuesday is a day to get ready for Lent. A long time ago, people would use up all the rich foods in their homes, like butter, eggs, and sugar, because they wouldn't be eating these things during Lent. So, they made pancakes! Today, people still enjoy eating this sweet treat on Shrove Tuesday! Then, Year One students had the opportunity to eat some pancakes and reflect on their learning!

Mini Vinnies!

 Mini Vinnies meeting - 26th February 2025 Our spiritual reflection today, was 'A Time of Hope.' We talked about the SVP Lenten Campaign which is d uring the season of Lent, they are inviting all children and young people to journey deeper in prayer and take action as Pilgrims of Hope. As part of that The Mini Vinnies will be campaigning along with the St Vincent De Paul Society. What are we campaigning for? 'The government has recently changed its policy on the number of days refugees have to find permanent accommodation before the government support is stopped. This used to be   7 days , which later increased to   28 days , and now it is   56 days . This change gives many people hope, but we believe hope doesn’t need to be temporary. We are informed that the policy is a   temporary measure until June 2025   and are calling all children and young people this Lent to get involved in our campaign by writing to their local MP to ask that this policy is made p...

Teacher swap for Book week 2025

For Book Week we have enjoyed our annual teacher swap! The teachers move to different classes to teach a stand alone fun English lesson. These lessons usually include drama are based around stories and are practical!                                               The children enjoy having the chance to be taught by different teachers. They said:  'I enjoyed having a different teacher so we get to change things up. I liked that Miss Flannagan brought our learning to life as she had hidden chocolate and golden tickets under our chairs, just like in the book.' - Harper Year 5  'It was fun to have a different teacher. It was the BEST lesson.' - Reuben and Brian Year 2 'Our task was fun but difficult. We had to act out scenes from stories without speaking. I learned a lot about performing.' - Milan and Riley Year 6 'I enjoyed learning about the characters from the ...