Mini Vinnies!
Mini Vinnies meeting - 26th February 2025
Our spiritual reflection today, was 'A Time of Hope.'
We talked about the SVP Lenten Campaign which is during the season of Lent, they are inviting all children and young people to journey deeper in prayer and take action as Pilgrims of Hope. As part of that The Mini Vinnies will be campaigning along with the St Vincent De Paul Society.
What are we campaigning for?
'The government has recently changed its policy on the number of days refugees have to find permanent accommodation before the government support is stopped. This used to be 7 days, which later increased to 28 days, and now it is 56 days. This change gives many people hope, but we believe hope doesn’t need to be temporary. We are informed that the policy is a temporary measure until June 2025 and are calling all children and young people this Lent to get involved in our campaign by writing to their local MP to ask that this policy is made permanent.'
As Mini Vinnies we will writing to our MP to asking for the change in policy. We are also hoping to work with The Art Place in Chelmsford a community based hub and talk about refugees experiences. We will keep you posted.
Act of Kindness
As Mini Vinnies we decided we wanted to do an act of kindness for a member of staff. We wrote and presented a card to Mrs Crabb. Mrs Crabb had recently got a much longed for puppy and called her Mabel. Mrs Crabb was so happy and excited with the newest member of her family. Unfortunately, Mrs Crabb became aware that she was allergic to dogs, and this had made her a little sad and worried. Happily, Mrs Crabb has been able to find solutions to this and everything is now fine. We presented Mrs Crabb with a card and she said, 'I was so delighted and surprised with the beautiful card and how thoughtful the Mini Vinnies were it really cheered me up.'
Communications Officer
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