
Showing posts from November, 2024

Bonfire Night in Reception!

 This term our learning is around the theme 'Let's Celebrate'. Each week we will be expliring new celebrations and thinking about their meanings.  Our first one has been Bonfire Night. The children have enjoyed looking into the past to learn the History of this Celebration and why Bonfire Night is celebrated. They have also enjoyed creating fire safety posters, sparklers and creating firework pictures.  As today was the 5th of November we decided to enjoy a Bonfire in our wildlife area. We lit the fire highlighting the safety tips for being around fire and enjoyed watching it for a few moments. We used our senses to explore the fire in more depth.  “I can hear cracking” Thea “It smells like smoke” Olive We then enjoyed performing the poem we had learned for Bonfire night!  To top our afternoon off, we enjoyed toasting marshmallows around the fire and tasting them.  The children all followed the safety rules and behaved really well taking it in turns to use the toasting stic

Year 4 - Back to the Stone Age

 Today, Year 4 was introduced to their new IPC topic: Scavengers and Settlers. Over the next few weeks, we'll be exploring the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. To start us off, our students were encouraged to come dressed in themed clothes for the day.  The day's activities were focused on key inventions through prehistoric ages from the first stone tools to the invention of money and writing. We took part in a number of different activities that replicated how our ancestors may have created the same items. We tried carving our own Stone Age sculptures, and creating our own cave painting. Then we tried our hands at weaving and creating clay coil pots. Finally we found out about the first known writing (cuneiform) and tried writing our initials on mini tablets and looked at the first coins made in Turkey and tried our hand at making some.  "I want to learn more about the Iron Age and Bronze Age." Tylor "I really enjoyed making the clay pots" Evangelin &quo