Amazing Gymnastics in Year 1!
During our Gymnastics unit, students learned about different balances, rolls and jumps, all while making sure our movements were tight and controlled . At the end of the unit, students used their knowledge to make a routine using at least 1 balance, 1 roll and 1 jump! Students had the opportunity to present their routine to their classmates and gave constructive feedback to one another. Great work Year One! "When you do a jump, you need to make sure you have the right form to be safe. You bend your knees, swing your arms backwards and jump. Then, you make sure to land and bend your knees again" - Eva "I am doing a pike balance!" - Cairo "I am showing how to do a teddy bear roll! You need to make sure to keep your legs straight and tight" - Qmari "I am doing an egg roll" - Aibel "I am showing a straight roll. You need to make sure to keep your feet together and keep your arms and legs straight!" - Jorel "I am showing a pencil bala...