
Showing posts from February, 2025

Amazing Gymnastics in Year 1!

 During our Gymnastics unit, students learned about different balances, rolls and jumps, all while making sure our movements were tight and controlled . At the end of the unit, students used their knowledge to make a routine using at least 1 balance, 1 roll and 1 jump! Students had the opportunity to present their routine to their classmates and gave constructive feedback to one another. Great work Year One! "When you do a jump, you need to make sure you have the right form to be safe. You bend your knees, swing your arms backwards and jump. Then, you make sure to land and bend your knees again" - Eva "I am doing a pike balance!" - Cairo "I am showing how to do a teddy bear roll! You need to make sure to keep your legs straight and tight" - Qmari "I am doing an egg roll" - Aibel "I am showing a straight roll. You need to make sure to keep your feet together and keep your arms and legs straight!" - Jorel "I am showing a pencil bala...

Community Support for ADHD & ASD

  Become part of a community that understands and supports. Our FREE online ADHD, and ASD sessions are more than just learning opportunities—they're a chance to connect, grow, and thrive together. Understanding ASD in children (a bitesize, online, 1 week session)Understanding ADHD in children (a bitesize, online, 1 week session)Understanding ADHD & ASD In Girls (online, 4 sessions over 4 weeks)Whatever your situation, our non judgemental sessions have got it covered. Sign Up! Scan the QR code, or Visit our website and type ASD or ADHD in to the ‘Find a course...’ box

Autism Outreach Programme

  The Autism Outreach Offer is a joint offer from Essex County Council and four special schools across Essex. Schools can request outreach from their local special school provider to support them to be able to meet the needs of autistic pupils at their school.  Who is Autism Outreach for?  The Autism Outreach service is for pupils with identified autism and those on a waiting list for an autism assessment. Support can also be provided for pupils with learning needs where the barrier to learning is autism, or to those pupils who have co-occurring conditions such as ADHD or anxiety.  Why has my child’s school requested outreach?  With your permission, your child’s school will have requested outreach from their local provider to support them to better be able to meet your child’s needs in their current school. The autism outreach service is provided by special schools, but it is not a means to access a placement at one of these settings and requesting support from ...

Zones of Regulations Support

  Please find attached an electronic poster advertising  ‘Zone of Regulation’  sessions provided for parents and carers.   These sessions are aimed at supporting children with recognizing and understanding their emotions and developing self-regulation strategies to support them in more challenging situations   Their email address is   of you cannot find the course/session you are looking for

Essex Local Offer Roadshows

  We wanted to share with you that the Essex Local Offer SEND Roadshows are taking place across Essex in March. These are an opportunity for parents and carers of children and young people with SEND to come along and ask a variety of services and organisations any questions about SEND.  The event is free and no booking is required (unless parents want to access one of the free workshops).

Year 1 - Racing Cars in IPC!

 In our IPC unit 'The Magic Toymaker', students participated in a fun and engaging activity to make predictions and test their theories! According to the toymaker, when the toys come alive at night, the toy cars hold races around the workshop to see who is best! They toymaker tasked the students with determining what surface (wood, felt, sandpaper, or carpet) would be the best for making the cars travel the longest distance.  The class was divided into groups where they chose a car and came up with a team name. Then, they made predictions on which car would travel the furthest over which surface! We discussed ways we could make the competition fair for everyone, and decided that the same person would let the car go from a starting point, and we would measure using markers that were the same size! The students determined that wood and felt were the best materials for this competition as their cars traveled the furthest on them! "Wood was the best material because it was smo...

Year 1 - Making Sock Puppets!

Before the break, Year One students were learning about instructions , specifically how to write their own! To do this, we decided to make sock puppets! We began by brainstorming the type of puppet they were going to make as well as their puppet's name. Some ideas included a mermaid, a dinosaur, an axolotl, and many more creative ideas! Then, students described what their puppets were going to look like, using adjectives and new vocabulary. Finally, it was time to make our puppets! Students verbalized the process as they were constructing their puppets! "I am using orange felt to make my tiger stripes!" - Ruby "I am using a red pipe cleaner to make the tongue for my frog. Then, I am using black paper to make a fly on his tongue!" - Qmari "I am using blue paper to make the spikes on my dinosaur's back!" - Abel "I used a red marker to make my hat" - Cairo "I am using different size googly eyes to make funny eyes on my puppet" - Na...

CAFOD workshop - Pilgrims of Hope in Year 5

 This morning we have enjoyed a workshop with John from CAFOD.  We went on a hypothetical pilgrimage around different places in the world. Along the way, we met many different people in difficult situations. We met Yulia aged 7 from Ukraine who was displaced from her home due to war. We met Daniel from the Democratic Republic of the Congo who wasn't able to attend school and Ayra from Pakistan who had lived through natural disasters where she lived.  These stories helped us to reflect on our own lives and how we can support and help those in need. The children completed activities throughout their pilgrimage to create their own pilgrimage passport.  'We should never take anything for granted.' - Dom  'It really made me think about others across the world.' - Fran  'It made me hopeful that we can do anything with God.' - Evan  'It's really important to be more grateful for what we have.' - Shakira  As a final activity they created their 'Hands...

CAFOD Workshop - Year 2

Today Year 2 had an exciting workshop from CAFOD, reminding us of he Jubilee - Pilgrims for Hope mission. As a class we have already decided to go litter picking to look after our environment as part of the Catholic Social Teaching. Today we thought about Yullia, a 7 year old girl from Ukraine who had to quickly move from her home and had to pack her bag with essentials. We thought about what we would pack in our rucksack if we were in the same situation. Then we wrote down our 'HOPES' including: Ajooni: I hope everyone has a safe home. Lainey: I hope for food. Nina: I hope everyone can have food. Brian: No more wars Skylah: My hope is for Pope Francis to get better.

International Week - Year 2

We have been celebrating international festivals and languages around the world. Ramadan is an Islamic celebration that starts at the end of February.  My-An shared lots of knowledge such as 'The Qur'an is their special book....they don't have any pictures of Allah.' We linked this to our comprehension skills by retrieving and explaining information about Ramadan. Here's 'Rameena's Ramadan' story. We then shared different ways to say 'Hello' in different languages - watch the video here! Cassius knew the Irish greeting 'Dia duit!' Maria knew 'Czesc!' William knew 'Hola!'

Bug Hotels - Year 2

We have been designing ' bug hotels ' as part of our 'Live and Let Live' IPC and DT topic. The design process involved thinking about the purpose, materials and tools we would need. Whilst making our bug hotels we had to select suitable materials and adapt our design when things didn't quite work. We showed resilience when problem-solving and reciprocity by helping and encouraging each other.  Everyone was engrossed in the task at hand and we think you'll agree, there are some amazing creations! Overall we are very pleased with our bug hotels and hope the bugs enjoy their new habitats!

Erupting volcanoes in year 3!

To end our unit of work on island life, we erupted some volcanoes in year 3! It's a wonderful way to finish a term of Geography focused work where we have learnt about four figure grid referencing, the water cycle, the features of a river, volcanoes, the countries of Europe and much, much more! The children could eloquently describe what a volcano is and what causes it to erupt, using key geographic vocabulary. We then progressed to erupt them and it was so much fun! Even if Mr Cook did go home smelling of vinegar! Volcanoes are so interesting, mine erupted and it looked just like lava!  Aadhavan  

Year 6 Computing - Google Sheets

This week, the children took on an exciting challenge – planning and budgeting for a birthday party using Google Sheets! Working in pairs and within a fixed budget, they got to flex their creativity while learning valuable computing skills. By collaborating on Google Sheets, the children practiced data entry, learned to use formulas for calculations, and explored different ways to organise and present information. They compared prices, calculated totals, and made decisions on where to save or splurge to stay within budget! It was fantastic to see them engage in such a practical and fun learning experience!

Year 6 Lifesaving Skills: Learning CPR and Using Defibrillators

This week, as part of their Being Human topic, the children took on an incredibly important and practical lesson – learning about CPR and the use of defibrillators. Guided by BHF interactive lessons, they discovered how these vital skills can make a difference in emergency situations. The session began with an introduction to CPR, where the children learned how to check for responsiveness, call for help, and perform chest compressions effectively. They practiced the correct hand placement, rhythm, and pressure needed to keep blood flowing to the brain and vital organs until medical help arrives. The children were also introduced to defibrillators – life-saving devices designed to restore a normal heartbeat in cases of cardiac arrest. They were taught how to recognise and use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), including how to follow the voice prompts and place the pads safely. Well done Year 6. For more information visit the British Heart Foundation . 

Brilliant gymnastics in year 3!

 We are coming to the end of our 6-week unit of gymnastics! This year vaulting is introduced, where children learn to approach the vaulting horse or springboard with controlled runs and perform safe landings. Jumping in Year 3 gymnastics isn’t just about getting air—it's about learning control and precision. The children are guided through various types of jumps, such as tuck jumps, star jumps, and straddle jumps. These movements help them develop the strength in their legs and core to perform controlled, explosive movements. No Year 3 gymnastics lesson would be complete without cartwheels! This iconic move is a wonderful introduction to the more complex skills that come later in a gymnast's training. Here are Ivan and Jamie, about to perform some tuck jumps!   PE is my favourite subject, I've really enjoyed the vaulting Harley

Year One - Number Bonds to 20!

This week, students participated in a carousel of activities to review their understanding of number bonds to 20, doubles and near doubles! Students enjoyed working together with partners and verbalizing their answers. We then discussed our favourite manipulatives to use when making number bonds to 20! Here were some responses; "I like using part-whole models. I know I have 20 as my whole number, and I just need to find the parts!" - David "I like using a number line" - Aibel "I like using the rekenrek to show my number bonds. I helped explain this to someone else today!" - Logan "I know to get a near double, I just double a number, and add one more!" - Qmari

Year One - Safer Internet Day

 For Safer Internet Day in Year One, students began by listening to the story 'Digiduck and the Magic Castle' . The story can be found here . In the story, Digiduck goes on an exciting adventure to a magical castle in a mobile game. While exploring, he learns important lessons about staying safe online and making good choices with technology. After the story, students discussed the mistakes Digiduck made and what he could do differently next time. "Digiduck should not try and guess his parents' password. He should ask for permission from his parents if he is allowed to use it." - Qmari "Digiduck should not have shared his password with his friends. Only you and your trusted adults should know your passwords" - Eva "Digiduck should not click on pop-ups. They can be scams." - Gianni After this, we had a short lesson on keeping safe on the internet. We discussed games we play on devices.  Popular games included;  Roblux Minecraft Amoung Us Someti...

Safer Internet Day - Year 2

Safer Internet Day 2025 Year 2 watched a virtual assembly which highlighted the potential dangers of using the internet.  As a class we then discussed the pros and cons of using the internet. The internet has lots of information! You can play games and learn things. You can talk to your friends and family. Sometimes adverts pop up that you have to close. Tell an adult if you don't like something you see on the screen. Don't tell anyone your private information like your name or where you live. Ask your parents if you don't know what to do. The main things to remember were: keep your private information safe only spread kindness We made posters to remind everybody about these important rules, and then played a kindness game which is linked here:  Kind Kingdom game

Year 6 Safer Internet Day

  Year 6 Safer Internet Day Today, we joined the global celebration of Safer Internet Day 2025, an annual event promoting responsible and safe use of technology. This year’s theme, “Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online” , encourages children to become informed and responsible digital citizens. Our Year 6 students took part in the BBC Live Lesson , where they explored important online safety topics through interactive discussions and activities. After that, they dived into Google Interland , an engaging and educational game that helps young learners navigate the online world safely. Let’s continue working together to create a safer internet for everyone.

Safer Internet Day 2025

Today marks Safer Internet Day 2025, an annual event dedicated to promoting safer and more responsible use of online technology, especially among children and young people. This year's theme is "Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online." This week, each year group has been learning about a different aspect of internet safety. In our increasingly digital world, online scams have become more sophisticated, targeting users across various platforms. Young people are not exempt; they often encounter scams in the form of fake giveaways, fraudulent ads, and deceptive messages on social media and gaming platforms. Recognising and responding appropriately to these threats is crucial for maintaining online safety. Common Online Scams to Watch Out For: Phishing Emails and Messages: These appear to be from legitimate sources, such as banks or online services, asking for personal information or prompting you to click on malicious lin...